Photobucket Welcome to our little corner of the internet. We're glad you took time to stop by to visit, the critters and I like new faces. Linger a while and enjoy the life here, but beware, the squirrels will help themselves to anything you leave behind!

Apr 5, 2009

Its a rainy, cold Sunday here at Squirrel Hill, I hope the plants in the greenhouse make it!! I visited my elderly parents yesterday and stopped in a wonderful nursery there. The annual house smelled like heaven!! The alyssum is so fragrant. I bought black and pink hollyhokes to start them along the fence again. I think I'll try growing gourds this year, the egg size ones to make birds. I'm still thinking about a large pond too!! I loved playing with the frogs in Clear Creek yesterday, that may be incentive enough!! Anyone want to go frog catching??


  1. Me want cookie! LOL Looks great Judy!!!!
    Many Blessings~Judy#1

  2. Hi Judy! I've been growing gourds for several years. They can be addicting. Do you have a picture of one of your bird gourds?
    Helen Eyers

  3. I love the bird! Thanks for posting the picture!

  4. Love the gourd birds, and agree growing gourds can be addicting and you can come down here and catch all these frogs lol We even have some white ones.

  5. Love your little gourd birds!! How Cute!


  6. I love the artwork she did. It's so cute!!!

  7. I soooo love this website. Judy is very creative, and a hard worker... all of her stuff turns out great!!!!!!
