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Jun 14, 2010

To My Friend.........

I met Pat many years ago, back in 1976 when we both lived in the same apartment complex. Our daughters, Patti, Mindy and Kris were 'partners in crime' and played together, fought with each other, and got in trouble together more times than I want to remember. Pat use to sit on her deck and laugh at me chasing my dog across the complex when he got loose. He always went straight to the duck pond and then I'd have to try to get him out and drag him home. We use to go to the Ann Arbor Farmers Market together on Saturday mornings and split the cost of a whole pumpkin pie, we both were really struggling back then. From that time on, Pat always requested my pumpkin pie when she visited. I'll miss those visits.

Over the years we shared a lot of laughter, tears ideas and plans. I will miss the yearly email in the fall when she'll ask me if I 'smell Fall coming yet'...Pat loved Fall and always had the gourds on the table and the pumpkin on the porch. I will miss her asking me if I made Mexican Wedding cakes for Christmas this year (by the way, that is MY recipe she used...HA HA). This summer she won't be telling me about her blue morning glories, something else we both loved, but I will plant double in her memory, along with purple iris that she also loved. I'll miss our yearly Christmas ornament swap at Christmas, but will cherish the many she sent me over the years.

We use to laugh about sitting in our wooden rockers together 'when we got old' , on the front porch of a log cabin, something we both wanted. In fact, we use to build log cabins out of the Lincoln Logs I still have, and will keep always. We shared a love of quilting and sewing, although Pat was much more prolific than me.

In the 34 years that I had the honor of calling her my best friend, we never had an argument or a cross word between us. That is truly a rare thing.

I will miss you forever my friend, keep the coffee pot on and wait for me.

There will never be another Pat.


  1. Oh how bittersweet, so sad to lose a friend like that. What happened to her? She looks so beautiful.. I am so very sorry for your loss. I can't imagine how you must feel hon, may God comfort you.

  2. She passed away one year ago yesterday! She had fought leukemia and it was in remission, then got aggressive lung cancer and passed in about 5 weeks time.
    I haven't been able to post on my blog since...its just too depressing

  3. Oh hon, I am so sorry about your friend,and your dear mom. I see in reading on that you explained what happend to your friend. I am so truly sorry and you have certainly been through the wringer with everything! I too divorced about 4 years ago, was married over 20 years, and starting over has been so difficult. You are in my prayers as is your daughter. Glad you got that job and things are looking up finally. God Bless.

  4. My daughter was diagnosed with MS around the same time, and since then my uncle died of brain cancer.
    Are you on Facebook....we'd probably be good for each other!! The divorce drags on still..we were married 33 years
