Photobucket Welcome to our little corner of the internet. We're glad you took time to stop by to visit, the critters and I like new faces. Linger a while and enjoy the life here, but beware, the squirrels will help themselves to anything you leave behind!

Apr 19, 2009

Seems Its Always Raining!!

Is it I know when its going to rain and I put off my yardwork until then? Or is it I'm not suppose to do the work? Either way, its not getting done. My grandaughter has discovered my blog and loves the squirrels, she sent me some pictures today and I told her I'd post one. She just thinks this is too cool!! Actually, I had a picture like this of one of the squirrels that lives around my backyard, but lost it when my old computer crashed.

Meredith, this post is for you!!


  1. I love that pic of Mister Squirrel! Hahaha, looks like he was eating too much Easter candy and had to take a breather!

  2. that squiril looks how i feel! i have to admit tho my scottish squirls look much better becuase there ginger.

  3. That is adorable. I just love it!

  4. thanks, luv you too nonny!! Hope you post more of my pics!!

  5. Thanks for following my new blog, I like the squirrel pictures.

  6. This looks good, thanks for following my blog.

