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May 23, 2009

Memorial Day Thoughts

Today I want to remember all those who have fought for our freedoms with pride and unselfishness. Those who returned, those who returned crippled and maimed and those who were sworn at and spit upon. You will always be honored in my heart and in my home. There is no gift greater than freedom, and you have given it to your country and to countries and citizens around the world.
There are so many now who don't understand patriotism, the allegiance to a flag and country. I feel sorry for those people. They will never know the thrill of a military march in a parade when it sends chills to your very soul...and they will never understand why it does that. On the other hand they probably won't ever stand at a grave site and watch the flag being folded and handed to a widow, or the playing of taps or a 21 gun salute.
So today I want to say a huge thank you to those who have returned, those who are serving, those who lie peacefully in the arms of God now whether unknown or named.
And to a couple of special people in my life, I want to say 'Semper Fi'


  1. What a wonderful salute Judy!!!! God Bless America! To those who are serving or have served....THANK-YOU!!!!!!
    Many Blessings~Judy

  2. AMEN! God bless the men and women of his country who have served and sacrificed!

  3. Beautiful tribute Judy and my sentiments exactly. Have a blessed Memorial Day.


  4. My dad served in WWII in Germany as an Switch board operator and in artillery. Now he is 91 years old now.I did have his picture on my blog on Memorial Dad but I just removed it.

  5. Very nicely said, Judy. It irks me when people start saying bad things about our soldiers, patriotism, and our great country.
    My dad was in Europe during WWII. He helped liberate a concentration camp. He was never the same person after he returned home.
    I watched a program on PBS about the cemetaries of American soldiers in Eupore. It was a beautiful tribute to our men and women, who have served, to let freedom ring.
    God Bless America
