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Jul 27, 2009

The Pond is Finished!!

I can finally breathe a sigh of relief...the pond is finished. I have nice, balanced water, koi and goldfish, Texas bullfrog tadpoles and plants....and I can enjoy it.
I spent most of last Friday IN the pond building some more rock ledges, a couple of tunnels for the fish and an 'island' in the center to put more plants upon. It was nice and cool in there and once I got use to the fish 'bumping' me it was fun. My ever faithful companion, Lennie, sat in the bog and watched all of this. He's always loved water and if he were younger and didn't have the bad leg, I know he would have been in there with me. I planted water iris, miniature cat tails, calla lily, pitcher plant, rushes, bog hawthorne, four leaf clovers and anchored a couple of water lilies which are now blooming. I also weighted down some parrot feather that grows under water. For fun, I put the ugly bullfrog on the belonged to my grandmother that I was so close to and even tho its really not that pretty, I smile everytime I look at it and think about her.
For those who want statistics...the pond is 9ft.x 22ft. (water size) with a double falls. It is 2.5 feet deep in one end and 3.5' in the other with a large cave for the fish to hide in. It has bog ledge all the way around and a 3ft.x4ft. bog by the falls. It holds around 4400 gallons of water.
I still need to do planting around it, and will do a little this year to 'hold' the soil, but most will be next spring. I also will be adding more plants on the ledges and in the bog next year when the selection is better in the Spring. I may also add a brick terrace next to it. So come on over and join me, I have fresh lemonade.


  1. How gorgeous!!!!!! I hope that it gives you many years of enjoyment.

  2. It's just beautiful. I wish I could stick my toe in the water.

  3. BEAUTIFUL.. Looks liek it has always been there!! COngrats Judy! ENJOY

  4. Your pond looks so peaceful. Great job.
